Michelle Powell – Hidden

When Michelle Powell faced eviction, she took her two children to the park to have fun. After several days, Powell had more than 60 children gathered around her. This was the beginning of Let’s Make a Difference (LMAD), a program she founded to service the needs of Medina’s Union Square, a predominately Black and lower income public housing community. LMAD has been a source of encouragement and light for the people it serves.

Often called the “Mother Theresa” of Union Square, Powell locates clothes, food, school supplies, and job opportunities for those in need. She wants the youth to experience her love and compassion, desires and hope for them. Powell is a positive role model, someone from whom they can learn, having experienced similar circumstances in her life.  “I want them to believe in themselves, take ownership of who they are, and believe that they are special. Don’t let color, race or anything stop you from dreaming.”